Monday, September 30, 2019

Bruce Campbell Is Playing Evil Dead’s Ash Again, But Not How You’d Think

Bruce Campbell Is Playing Evil Dead’s Ash Again, But Not How You’d Think
Ash vs Evil Dead Bruce Campbell proudly stands blood splattered between two companions

Heroes may come and go, but only the most resilient find their way back to the danger. Just ask Bruce Campbell, as his most famous role as the Evil Dead franchise’s Ash Williams is one that’s waxed and waned like our fickle moon. And just when everyone thought he was gone for good, Ash is about to saddle up for action yet again. Only this time, it’s going to be in another realm he’s not unfamiliar with: the world of video games.

Despite Campbell, for the most part, retiring the role of Evil Dead’s Ash Williams after the cancelation of Ash vs. Evil Dead, it looks like he’ll be strapping on the chainsaw again for the multi-platform game, Dead By Daylight. Currently available on PC, Playstation 4, and Xbox One, the concept of the game is very much an Evil Dead inspired affair.

With the objective of the game being that the four survivors in play must repair the required number of emergency generators that will allow for their escape, it’s already terra firma for the man who survived three films, three seasons of his own TV show, and various comic book appearances. The similarities only increase in Dead By Daylight’s gameplay when it’s hindered by the fact that there’s one player hunting those survivors as the killer, whose objective is to clear the board in vicious, bloody fashion. And, you’ll get to play through it all, with the likeness and vocal stylings of Bruce Campbell being fully integrated into the game’s killer engine.

So, yeah, adding Ash Williams as a playable survivor is as good of an idea as when a previous Dead By Dayilght update brought fellow horror legend Laurie Strode to the game. If you’re one of those types that’s liable to want to cross over famous franchises such as Halloween and Evil Dead, this news from Variety just gave you further incentive to go out and buy yourself a copy. Unless you’re a Nintendo Switch owner, in which case you’ll have to wait until this fall. Still, it’s pretty exciting news.

Though he’s had plenty of video game adventures of his own on various console generations, seeing Ash Williams heading to Dead By Daylight so soon after being told we would probably never see or hear from him again has us hopeful. Should this recent offering in a long line of famous franchise themed DLC sell like hotcakes, maybe there’s a possibility that Bruce Campbell could snag an Evil Dead themed game franchise as previously promised; which opens up a pathway for him to rope dear friend and series creator Sam Raimi back in to tell more stories in that particular sandbox. It’s far from a given, but fans can dream, can’t they?

If you’re looking to try out Dead By Daylight’s latest, boomstick toting survivor, and just happen to be at the PAX East convention this weekend, stop by their booth and hail to the king! Otherwise, the DLC featuring Ash Williams will be available on April 2nd.

The Original Aladdin Has Flaws The New Movie Will Need To Deal With

The Original Aladdin Has Flaws The New Movie Will Need To Deal With
Aladdin in Prince Ali

Disney’s upcoming line-up resembles quite a few titles that stood on my childhood shelf of movies and didn’t collect dust for long, namely 1992’s Aladdin. Between the catchy songs, Robin Williams’ iconic performance and the fun, animated, magical world, I know I’m not the only one who couldn’t stop watching the Disney classic over the years and even noticed a few scratches in the magic lamp upon repeated viewings.

Enter the new live-action Aladdin remake coming in May. Yes, I’ve already been burned before by the uninspired 2016 Beauty and the Beast release but here I am getting excited about what’s to come from the House of Mouse’s new take on the beloved animated film. While Will Smith’s Blue Genie scared me for a minute there with his first CGI reveal, the most recent full trailer sold me on just being a kid for a couple hours and giving it a good shot. But, there are some glaring issues from the original that the upcoming musical has a chance to fix. Let’s talk them through:

What Culture Is Aladdin Depicting?

So we know Aladdin lives in Agrabah, the “city of mystery” and it has some Middle Eastern flavor to it, but that’s about it. Since it’s a fairytale complete with magic carpet rides and a monkey who turns into a cute elephant who wears a vest and little hat, does it really matter where Aladdin takes place? You bet it does! Even if the movie runs with maintaining Agrabah as a completely fictional hodgepodge of Arabic and Indian cultures, as the original did, it needs to set this up in some way if it wants to dodge coming off as culturally insensitive.

Think about how Black Panther’s Wakanda worked: it’s a completely fictional depiction of a country in Africa, but it’s been celebrated especially for how it empowered African cultures and uniquely represented them. The live-action version of this fun Disney musical would be a great opportunity to do this for Middle Eastern cultures, which are also significantly underrepresented in Hollywood.

Aladdin derives a lot of themes from the 18th century Middle Eastern famed book of folk tales, The Arabian Nights. Paying a bit of homage and putting a bit more effort into portraying the culture the story is based on would be a great step forward for the next iteration of the movie and add some more depth to the story Disney started. The studio has vastly improved its portrayal of a variety of cultures, even from the ‘90s to today, and I hope they show this off a bit in addition to being as accessible to audiences as the animated movie was.

The Blue Genie Is The Whole Show

Let’s face it, without Robin Williams’ incredibly energetic and lovable performance as the Blue Genie in Aladdin, it just wouldn’t be as highly regarded by audiences as it still is today. The Genie is an absolute scene stealer who is the heart, comedic relief and sidekick of the movie all at once. Williams absolutely carried that movie, and even improved many of his scenes by improvising comedic bits for the character. Don’t get me wrong, in the context of the animated classic this certainly worked in favor of Disney and is where the movie’s most memorable strengths lie (besides a few outdated references).

With Robin Williams out of the picture, though, how does the Disney story hold up? I have some concerns about the couple we’re rooting for (which I’ll get to in a moment) and Jafar is quite the typical power hungry villain. The Genie show and flashy musical numbers are a really effective way for the movie to cover up some of the weaknesses of Disney’s take on Aladdin. I hope the remake will opt for striking a balance between giving the Genie the floor and showing that the movie's other characters have more to give.

For instance, what about Aladdin’s backstory? I’m sure he does a little more than steal bread and lie to his crushes. And, there’s got to be a lot more to Princess Jasmine than meets the eye. What would happen if The Little Mermaid was all about Sebastian because Ariel wasn’t interesting enough to the writers or Olaf became the heart of Frozen because the writers didn’t know how to depict an interesting sister relationship? Here’s hoping the new Aladdin filmmakers saw this potential problem and didn’t give Will Smith all of the load.

Aladdin and Jasmine’s Relationship Is Problematic

Okay, so Disney doesn’t have a great track record of creating believable romances...they are fairytales, after all! But, their love stories, which we once idealized, can look more ridiculous the older we get. So, isn’t part of the point of a remake (besides the loads of cash these movie attract) for Disney to attempt to work on this a bit? The studio has done this with their recent animated movies, so I wouldn’t expect anything less from live action.

I thought the live-action Cinderella did a wonderful job of this, as it focused more on Prince Charming’s story and the pair seemed to form a genuine bond aside from the wonder of the ball. On the other hand, the live-action Beauty and the Beast didn’t do much else not to convince me that Belle has a bit of Stockholm Syndrome. Unless Disney decides to take a hard look at the romance created in Aladdin and change around a few things, the movie isn’t going to land with audiences.

In the animated movie, the romance doubles as a message about being true to yourself instead of pretending to be someone else in a relationship, and that’s a great topic for the movie to touch on! However, when Jasmine finds out he’s the “street rat” she loved already, the movie just glosses over it. Not to mention that Aladdin’s about to sign up to marry her and rule all of Agrabah after not even feeling comfortable in his own skin a few minutes ago. Wait… what? Disney has a wonderful opportunity to make the intended message of Aladdin (cue Genie saying “beeee yourself” as a bee) stronger by giving actual Aladdin and Jasmine character arcs instead of everything wrapping up with a pretty bow after they get rid of Jafar.

I say all of this out of love for the original Aladdin because it still is one of my favorite Disney movies of all time. Since I’m going to go see it again in live-action form, I’m sure I speak for a lot of fans when I say I’d love to see Disney elevate the movie higher than the animated classic was by not sweeping these few flaws under the rug. Do you think the live-action Aladdin will address these issues? Sing your song in the comments below.

Jumanji 3 Has Begun Filming, Here's How Dwayne Johnson Celebrated

Jumanji 3 Has Begun Filming, Here's How Dwayne Johnson Celebrated

People weren't sure what to expect when Dwayne Johnson announced a sequel to Jumanji. Many were worried the film wouldn't live up to the memories they had of the beloved original that starred Robin Williams. However, Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle was a massive hit so you can be sure a lot of people are looking forward to yet another sequel. That movie went into production yesterday and Dwayne Johnson celebrated the announcement on Twitter.

Dwayne Johnson wished everybody a Happy Valentine's Day yesterday while also using the opportunity to make fans of Jumanji aware that the new movie has begun production. This movie is looking to have an incredibly fast turn around as it is currently set to hit theaters this December.

Along with the announcement comes a single image. We see a pair of hands holding the Jumanji video game cartridge from the last movie. It's a little beat up but appears to be in one piece. Remnants of smashed electronics are visible in the case in the background.

At the end of Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, the four kids smashed the hell out of the Jumanji game and console in an attempt to be sure nobody ever accidentally played it again. It seems somebody has picked up the pieces.

Perhaps these hands belong to one of the kids who played the game initially, if they discover a reason they have to go back into the game world. We do know that all four teenagers who played the "real world" versions of the four game avatars will be back, making this new movie a more direct sequel to Welcome to the Jungle, than that film really was to the original Jumanji.

Alternatively, this could be some other character who has come across the game. The question then becomes if this person actually knows what they have or not.

Danny DeVito, Danny Glover, and Awkwafina have all been added to the cast of the new Jumanji, though we don't know anything about the roles they'll be playing.

It will be very interesting to see what Jumanji 3 does to make itself feel as fresh and unique as Welcome to the Jungle did. That movie updated the premise of the original Jumanji by turning the board game into a video game and putting the characters inside game avatars, played by Dwayne Johnson, Karen Gillan, Jack Black, and Kevin Hart.

With the new movie being a direct sequel with all of the same main players, will going back into the video game world for another adventure be enough or has the new film found another way to update the premise to give new life to this new adventure? We'll find out on December 13 when Jumanji 3, though it almost certainly will be called something else, hits theaters.

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How John Wick 3 Set Up A Possible Spinoff

How John Wick 3 Set Up A Possible Spinoff
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum Keanu Reeves

Very minor John Wick 3 spoilers ahead. Don't shoot the messenger.

John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum just had a -- wait for it -- killer opening weekend at the box office. That's important for world-building reasons. It not only makes another sequel more likely, it bodes well for The Continental TV series that's still in development at Starz and the spinoff movie that was discussed two years ago.

Do you remember that spinoff movie?

Back in 2017, it was announced that the John Wick franchise might be getting a spinoff movie called Ballerina. The script was being written by Shay Hatten, who is also credited as one of the writers of Parabellum. The story was said to follow a young woman raised as an assassin who must hunt down the other assassins that murdered her family. It was described, at the time, as being akin to La Femme Nikita, but with a "more pulpy, hyper-stylized bent a la Quentin Tarantino or Matthew Vaughn."

That was then. Fast-forward to 2019 and John Wick 3 just introduced Anjelica Huston as The Director, who also runs an academy that turns ballerinas into assassins. Putting two and two together, THR asked director Chad Stahelski if it was safe to say her introduction set up the Ballerina spinoff. Here's Stahelski's reply:

I think if you read Shay’s script and you look into the characters in that, you’d find your answer.

Not having seen Shay Hatten's script, it still seems pretty safe to say the answer is "yes." A lot can happen in two years to change a story, but the franchise-best box office success of John Wick 3 -- not to mention approval from both critics and fans -- suggests this spinoff has a great chance of moving forward. There are plenty of questions on how it would play out, including whether Anjelica Huston would be a main star and if Keanu Reeves would cameo at all. But we can add it to the list of spinoff/sequels from here.

(For the record, that long-gestating TV spinoff set at the L.A. Continental hotel is meant to have at least a Keanu Reeves cameo, and possibly a voice-over from Winston actor Ian McShane.)

John Wick franchise director Chad Stahelski also talked to THR about the third chapter sharing more background on Jonathan's own origin story. In a section of his answer, he also touched on things that might be relevant to the Ballerina spinoff:

... As far as backstory goes, everything you need to know about John is in Parabellum. We hid it very well and hopefully, you’ll watch this movie three or four times. You may not care, and if you do care, when you watch The Director’s scenes and you see the girls, and you put two and two together with the tattoos and the crucifixes, the kind of martial arts he does, who he talks to, what languages he speaks, you can piece together a fairly comprehensive background on where John came from and what his upbringing was like. I give the audience a lot of credit; hopefully, they can piece it together and they like piecing it together. It’s like a book; that’s why we numbered the movies as chapters...

Speaking of chapters, John Wick: Chapter 3 ended on a note that has fans curious about John Wick: Chapter 4. If you want spoilers, check out our breakdown of the Parabellum ending and start imagining what might be next in Keanu Reeves' movie, plus the movie and TV spinoffs. Let's just hope this doesn't turn into -- wait for it again -- overkill.

Toy Story 4: What We Know So Far

Toy Story 4: What We Know So Far
toy story characters looking shocked

At the end of Toy Story 3, it truly looked like the story of Woody, Buzz and the gang was at an end. We had seen a complete life cycle of the toys from cherished playthings to discarded objects. Then we got to see the toys begin a new life with a new child, where we knew the cycle would repeat. But the folks at Pixar thought there was more to be explored in the world of playthings, and so they begin preparations for Toy Story 4.

While the wait continues for the Pixar sequel to make its way to theaters, it's never too early to start collecting all the information available about the project. And there's a decent amount of info that has been revealed. Before we get to all the details, let's check our the first trailer.

Surprisingly, the first trailer, while it shows us our favorite characters, seems to focus on an entirely new one. What does that mean for the new film? Let's get into it.

When Will Toy Story 4 Be Released?

Pixar did some shuffling with regards to a couple of its most hotly anticipated sequels, and, unfortunately, this meant that Toy Story 4 was pushed back a bit. The original proposed release date, June 15, 2018, was eventually given over to The Incredibles 2. This left Toy Story 4 with the release date of June 21, 2019. So, while we have to wait a bit longer for the new project, it's now less than a year away.

What Is The Toy Story 4 Rating?

It's way too early for an official rating on Toy Story 4, seeing as how films don't get their ratings until a few weeks before release. But, judging by the earlier films in the series, Toy Story 4 will likely have a G rating, since that's what each of the previous films have had.

The Director

John Lasseter is the former Chief Creative Officer for both Pixar and Walt Disney Animation as a whole. He also personally directed the first two Toy Story films himself. Originally, he had planned to direct Toy Story 4, after stepping aside for Lee Unkrich for Toy Story 3. However, at Disney's D23 Expo in 2017, Lasseter revealed that he would be stepping down as director of the project and that his co-director Josh Cooley, would take on the project entirely.

Originally, John Lasseter claimed that he would still be keeping a close eye on Toy Story 4, however, that was before he took a leave of absence following allegations of misconduct. It has now been announced that Lasseter will be leaving Pixar entirely at the end of 2018 so he won't be around when Toy Story 4 is finally released.

The Writer

The screenplay for Toy Story 4 was originally set to come from the writing team of Rashida Jones and Will McCormack. Previously, the two teamed up to write the indie film Celeste and Jesse Forever. Both are probably better known for their acting than their writing at this point, but both are multitalented stars. However, the pair left the project sometime in 2017 due to "creative and philosophical differences" regarding Pixar's apparent culture.

The current script for Toy Story 4 is being worked on by Stephany Folsom who has written unproduced films that have made the Black List, as well uncredited work on Thor: Ragnarok. It's unclear at this point if she started work on something entirely original or started with whatever Rashida Jones and Will McCormack left behind.

The Story

While the screenplay writer may be relatively new to this whole thing, she's being given the best possible story to work with. The script will be based on a story by four of Pixar's titans: John Lasseter, Inside Out director Pete Docter, WALL-E director Andrew Stanton, and Toy Story 3 director Lee Unkrich. With a team like that involved, we have to just assume the story is amazing. Though one assumes Lasseter's input is being greatly reduced.

Now the details of what's actually in the story is a little vaguer. What we do know is that the film will be something of a love story focusing on the characters of Woody and Bo Beep. A comment is made in Toy Story 3 that Bo was either lost or given away somewhere between the second and third films, so the plot will apparently be focused on Woody's attempts to reunite with his old flame.

However, there will apparently be more to the story than that. With new characters like Forky, Ducky, and Bunny, who we'll get into in a minute, it also appears the movie will be dealing with questions of identity. What does it mean to be a toy? What does it mean to be a toy that doesn't spend its life being loved?


There are two toys that you can't really make a Toy Story movie without, and one of them is Sheriff Woody. Since the plot of the film that has been referenced includes our favorite cowboy, then we feel confident to say that he'll be there. Tom Hanks has admitted he will be in the film - something which has gotten him in a bit of trouble with the Disney legal team for speaking before he was supposed to. More recently Hanks has told that the end of Toy Story 4 is going to be an emotional experience.

Buzz Lightyear

When Pixar officially announced Toy Story 4, the only character mentioned by name besides Woody was, of course, Buzz Lightyear. The Space Ranger voiced by Tim Allen is the other half of the duo that has been the centerpiece of every previous Toy Story movie, and not including him would be like forgetting to add marshmallows to your hot chocolate.

We have no idea how Buzz will fit into the overall story, besides, we assume, helping his best friend find the woman he loves. But, we'd also expect romance to progress for him as well. He's had something going on with the cowgirl Jessie for a while now. By the time Toy Story 4 comes along, we wouldn't be surprised if the two have a little Dream House together someplace.

Bo Peep

We haven't seen Bo Beep since Toy Story 2, so exactly what happened to her is anybody's guess. In Toy Story 3 it's mentioned that Bo Peep along with other toys like Etch and Weezy have "gone on to new owners" via either a yard sale or a spring cleaning. At some point, Andy decided he didn't want the porcelain doll anymore, and let her go off someplace else.

What seems clear in Toy Story 4 is that at some point Woody gets wind of where Bo Peep is, and then resolves to go after her. We assume the rest of the toys aid him on his quest, and then shenanigans ensue. Bo Peep has been a minor character, even in the films that she's been in. While the plot puts her at the center it doesn't mean she'll have a large part. However, Annie Potts, who has confirmed she will return to voice Bo Peep, says she's done a lot of work for the new film, which would seem to imply she'll have a large role. Though some of the work she's had to do has revolved around rerecording lines due to the change in the story.


When we last saw Jessie in Toy Story 3, she and Buzz were flamenco dancing their way into our hearts. As mentioned earlier, she definitely has something going on with Buzz -- thought she also has a history with Woody, as they both come from the same series of toys. You know she'll be willing to do whatever it takes to help out Woody on his quest, though that surely will make her think about her own romantic entanglements.

As the "female lead" of the Toy Story franchise, we would expect Jesse will continue to play a major part in Toy Story 4. Jessie has been voiced by Joan Cusack ever since she was introduced in Toy Story 2, and we expect she'll back along with the rest of the gang.

Mr. And Mrs. Potato Head

In a Toy Story movie about love and romance, we can't ignore the first couple of the franchise: Mr. & Mrs. Potato Head. Unfortunately, this is also where the news gets a little sad. Don Rickles, the voice of Mr. Potato Head, passed away in 2017 and, according to reports, never had a chance to record any dialogue for Toy Story 4. There are a few ways Pixar could handle this. First, they simply hire a new actor to replace Rickles. It's what they did when Jim Varney died, so there's precedent. However, Rickles' voice is a bit more iconic, so it's hard to see them doing that. The other obvious solution is to simply write Mr. Potato Head out of the film and simply not have him appear. Though that would likely mean Mrs. Potato Head, and voice Estelle Harris, would vanish with him.

There is, however, a third option. When Cars 3 wanted to bring back characters whose voice actors had passed away, they didn't let death stop them. Both Paul Newman and Tom Magliozzi appeared in Cars 3 via the use of both previously recorded, unused, material, as well as the use of unrelated performances, in order to create the voice tracks they needed. If Don Rickles' estate gives Pixar the ok, something like that could potentially be done here as well.

Andy & Bonnie

The end of Toy Story 3 gave us the passing of the torch. College bound Andy gave up his childhood toys to young Bonnie, a little girl who would love them and enjoy playing with them just as he had for so many years.

In the years since Toy Story 3, we have had a number of opportunities to see how the toys have been doing in Bonnie's care. There have been several cartoon shorts running before recent Pixar movies as well as a couple of TV specials -- including the Halloween-themed Toy Story of Terror and the Christmas-themed Toy Story that Time Forgot. Bonnie has continued to care very deeply for all of her toys, and we fully expect that they will still be in Bonnie's care in Toy Story 4. As the movie does not appear to really be about the relationship with the owners, any major changes in Bonnie would likely take away from the story they're trying to tell. It's possible a few years will have passed since the last movie, but not enough to push Bonnie out of her toy playing age.

For the same reasons that we expect to see Bonnie, it's unlikely that we'll see or hear much of Andy in the movie. It's possible we might get some glimpses of him if the movie contains any flashback sequences to give us specific details on what happened to Bo Peep, but we wouldn't expect much more than that.

The Rest Of The Toy Gang

Little official has been stated regarding most of the supporting characters we can expect to see in Toy Story 4, but based on what we've seen in the past, and some comments from Pixar's Pete Doctor, we can expect most, if not all, of the usual suspects to return.

Trixie: There is one additional character that we can confirm is returning, and that's Trixie. The triceratops voiced by comedian Kristen Schaal was a major focus of the Christmas special Toy Story that Time Forgot, which was the last time that we saw the toys in action. It makes sense that she'll be back.

Ham: John Ratzenberger is the official Pixar good luck charm. He's voiced a character in every Pixar feature since the beginning. Even if Ham only shows up as a cameo, it's essentially a guarantee that he'll be there, if not just so that the movie can give the former Cheers star more work.

Rex: The plastic T. Rex voiced by the great Wallace Shawn has been around from the beginning and there's no reason to expect that he's going anywhere.

Slinky Dog: Blake Clark took over the voice of Slinky Dog from the late Jim Varney for Toy Story 3. Since the character didn't fade away when we lost the actor, we don't expect he will now.

Mr. Pricklepants: Timothy Dalton voiced the stuffed porcupine with dreams of the Shakespearean stage for the first time in Toy Story 3. He's been an entertaining side character in the shorts and TV specials so he'll likely be back as well.

Ken and Barbie: While Ken and Barbie are currently ruling the roost at the Sunnyside Daycare center, it doesn't mean we won't see them again (given that Bonnie may still be spending some time there). Both of them made an appearance in the animated short Hawaiian Vacation and Michael Keaton's turn as Ken is the real reason that he's back amongst the Hollywood elite, as far as we're concerned.

In addition to the returning characters, we've also been introduced to a few brand new toys who will play a role in the new film.


The first trailer for Toy Story 4 introduced us to Forky. He a spork who has been turned into a toy thanks to pipe cleaners and hot glue. The description of the character that came along with the first trailer describes him as somebody have a crisis of identity. Toy's in the Toy Story universe believe they exist to be played with by children, but Forky insists he's not a toy. He wants to fulfill his purpose as a spork, but it now expected to be a toy. It seems that questions of identity will be key to the new film.

Ducky & Bunny

Following the release of the first Toy Story 4 trailer, we got a "reaction video starring Ducky and Bunny. The two stuffed animals are a pair of carnival game prizes who are looking to be won but will apparently have that goal interrupted by Buzz, Woody, and the gang. The two will then apparently join our team for their adventure, but it seems they might feel like outcasts as the other toys can't relate to Ducky and Bunny and what it means to be a toy stuck to a prize wall. It sounds as if our favorite Toy Story toys may be the recipients of a sort of privilege that they didn't realize they had.

The Villain

Toy Story villains have been both humans and toys in the past. The first movie didn't really have a villain to speak of. While Sid, the boy who liked to torture toys, was certainly villainous, he was more of an obstacle to be overcome than a direct antagonist.

Toy Story 2 saw the dual villains of Stinky Pete, the toy who had grown old and dark after years of being overlooked, and Al, the owner of Al's Toy Barn, who steals Woody from Andy's house during a yard sale because he knows the old toy's value.

The last film gave us the evilest of the villains in the series, Lotso The Bear, who smells like strawberries, but absolutely hates children -- which is not the greatest personality trait for a toy.

We would guess, based on the premise of the new movie, that we probably won't have a straight-up villain, with Toy Story 4 having a structure similar to the first movie. The conflict will likely come from the obstacles that Woody needs to overcome in order to reach Bo Peep. There may be some people, either humans or toys, that stand in the way of that, be it Bo Peep's new owner, or a new toy from wherever Bo Beep is located who doesn't want to let her go. It's not too far of a stretch to believe that Beep has turned other heads in whatever place she has ended up in, so Woody may have a new boyfriend of hers with which he has to contend.

Ryan Reynolds Actually Helped Come Up With Deadpool 2's Amazing Post-Credits Scenes

Ryan Reynolds Actually Helped Come Up With Deadpool 2's Amazing Post-Credits Scenes

Warning: this article contains spoilers for Deadpool 2! Read ahead at your own risk!

David Leitch's Deadpool 2 is jam-packed with some absolutely fantastic, fourth-wall-breaking hilarity, and one of the most hilarious moments in the entire film is the post-credits sequence in which Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds) uses the time travel technology introduced by Cable (Josh Brolin) to clean up the timeline. Some of the best clips from the montage involve Wade going after Ryan Reynolds and Weapon XI for Green Lantern and X-Men Origins: Wolverine, respectively, and it turns out that this creative move was all Reynolds. Screenwriter Rhett Reese explained:

When Ryan hooked into it, he just thought, 'Well I have to go change some personal events from my life.' Meaning Wolverine and Green Lantern.

True to his well-established reputation as a snarky smartass, Ryan Reynolds has seldom shied away from poking fun at his career misfires. The original Deadpool similarly featured nods to his less-than-beloved films like X-Men Origins: Wolverine and Green Lantern, and with Deadpool 2, Reynolds opted to up the ante and embrace the inclusion of time travel to fix some moments from his career. The result? Some of the best comedy in the sequel, as Wade puts several bullets in Weapon XI before the battle with Wolverine in Origins, and one in his real-life counterpart before his ill-fated foray into the DC Comics' world.

Of course, Ryan Reynolds dying at the hands of Wade Wilson raises questions about how Wade can still exist if Reynolds plays Wilson. That said, Rhett Reese continued in his recent interview with THR and pointed out that the Deadpool 2 opted not to overthink the "logic" of the science. Reese said:

I don't think we've had a joke more meta than Ryan Reynolds killing Ryan Reynolds. I guess you could have said when Deadpool shot Ryan Reynolds, he himself should have disappeared. But that said, we're not paying too close attention to time travel logic, because we don't do that here.

Then again, it's worth noting that the X-Men franchise has placed a line of demarcation between Ryan Reynolds and Wade Wilson. In the first movie, Wade specifically calls out the Canadian actor by noting that he's only successful because of his good looks, so the series has definitely made a point to acknowledge that they are different people. With a movie such as this, it might not be a good idea to wade (pun intended) too far into the science and logic behind the plot.

Deadpool 2 is currently in theaters. Make sure to check the box office hit out on the big screen, and head over to our movie premiere guide to see all of 2018's most prominent and highly-anticipated release dates!

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