Saturday, July 31, 2021

Why Mulan Became A Hero To The LGBTQ Community, According To Ming-Na Wen

Why Mulan Became A Hero To The LGBTQ Community, According To Ming-Na Wen

Mulan is one of Disney's most popular Princesses, especially to a particular subset of fans. While the character was obviously a big deal to fans of Asian descent, Mulan also became a sort of accidental hero for LGBTQ fans. Ming-Na Wen, who voiced Mulan in the original Disney animated classic, points out that since they had few big screen heroes of their own, the gender switch in Mulan was enough to touch many LGBTQ fans and make Mulan their hero. According to the actress...

Mulan's story was about a loving girl whose filial duties to protect and save her father gave her the courage to take his place in the army. She had to dress up and impersonate a man in order to do that. That was part of Mulan's folklore in China. It was never the intention to imply that Mulan was gay, but the mere image of her changing into a boy was enough of a representation to young boys and girls of LBGTQ. She became their heroine. Mulan lifted them up, inspired them, and left a lifetime impact.

It's amazing how things work out. As Ming-Na Wen says, there was never any specific intention to make Mulan a gay story, and yet, that's exactly what happened. Mulan takes on the guise of a male character and then proceeds to have feelings for her commanding officer Li Shang. While the audience knows the truth, the relationship looks like one man having feelings for another. Even Li Shang has to come to terms with the fact that he discovers he has feelings for Mulan, somebody that he, until recently, believed was a man. The film doesn't actually present it in quite that way, but it's not difficult to make such connections. It may not be much, but considering how few LGBTQ characters were out there, it was embraced by many.

Now, Mulan is set for the live-action adaptation treatment from Disney. A few things have been changed up for the remake. Rather than seeing Mulan fall for her commanding officer, the character that was Li Shang has been split in half. Donnie Yen will play Commander Tung, the leader of Mulan's regiment of soldiers. Yoson An will play Chen Honghui, a fellow soldier who will fulfill the love interest role. It will be interesting to see if the new film decides to play up the LGBTQ aspects of the relationship or if the film will leave the idea as subtext only.

As far as what the future holds for Ming-Na Wen and Mulan, she's not talking. While she has continued to provide the voice for the animated Mulan whenever necessary, Entertainment Weekly asked if we might see her make an appearance in the live action film. She would not confirm or deny a cameo, which makes it sound like such an appearance might at least be a possibility. She has previously expressed a desire to appear, so if the movie wants it to happen there's a good chance it will.

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Ant-Man And The Wasp Just Had A Massive Opening In China

Ant-Man And The Wasp Just Had A Massive Opening In China

This was a big summer for Marvel, which released two of its highest grossing movies ever -- Avengers: Infinity War and Black Panther -- within a span of just a few months. Additionally, Ant-Man and the Wasp also came out this summer on a less impressive scale. The sequel may not be on the level of its two predecessors, but it's performing well for its size and is about to get a bit bigger. The movie only just opened in China, where it debuted on Friday to the impressive song of $23 million.

While it normally doesn't take this long for a blockbuster to debut in China after its U.S. release (July 6, in this case), Ant-Man and the Wasp finally arrived in Chinese theaters this weekend. There was some concern amongst box office analysts that such a long wait could hamper the sequel's performance in the East, but China isn't the second largest movie market for nothing. Ant-Man and the Wasp still opened strong in the region, collecting $23 million-$24 million, which includes Thursday midnights. Deadline projects that the film will close out the weekend with around $70 million, which would put Ant-Man and the Wasp's global box office just short of $500 million.

Crazy as it sounds, $500 million might seem small when compared to most of Marvel's other releases, but this is well within the spectrum of what was anticipated for Ant-Man and The Wasp. In fact, it might even be a bit better. The sequel is the fourth biggest MCU debut day in China, falling behind only Avengers: Age of Ultron, Avengers: Infinity War and Captain America: Civil War. The blockbuster is expected to earn $70 million after Sunday, whereas the first Ant-Man clocked in at about $40 million. This is to say that everything is alright in the world of Ant-Man.

Though the blockbuster is still in theaters and has yet to open in Japan, Ant-Man and the Wasp is currently the 17th highest grossing movie in the MCU. Again, this probably sounds low, but I wouldn't go so far as to say the movie is underperforming. Ant-Man and the Wasp is a light-hearted comedy and just about every comedy would kill to make $500 million. Domestically, it's the 15th highest grossing MCU movie and its opening was about $18 million more than the first Ant-Man.

There's no word yet on an Ant-Man 3, but Marvel has been keeping tight-lipped about Phase 4 movies, so we might not be getting an announcement soon. Be sure to stick with CinemaBlend for all the latest Marvel movie news (and just regular movies, too!), and we'll update you as soon as the information is available.

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