Friday, December 31, 2021

Why Captain Marvel Will Be The First Theatrical Movie On Disney's Streaming Service

Why Captain Marvel Will Be The First Theatrical Movie On Disney's Streaming Service

Disney has a lot of bases covered when it comes to its movie offerings, from live action remakes/adaptations of its classic animated movies and Pixar offerings to installments from the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Star Wars franchise. This has cemented Disney as the biggest filmmaking titan in Hollywood, and next year, the company will jump into the streaming game with its own subscription service. We've already learned over the course of this year about some of the original content that will be available exclusively on the Disney streaming service, but it's now been clarified that with next March's Captain Marvel, every Disney movie released in theaters will also flow directly to the service, right as the studio's deal with Netflix expires.

Back in 2012, Disney and Netflix signed an agreement that gave the latter rights to air all of the former's live action and animated movies that were released in 2016 and afterwards. But once Disney announced that it was launching its own streaming service, the countdown began for the Disney/Netflix deal to expire, and when 2019 rolls around, that'll be it for this alliance. Although Netflix exclusive Marvel TV shows like Daredevil and Luke Cage will remain on that service, The New York Times reports that on the movie side of things, Captain Marvel, the MCU's penultimate Phase 3 entry, will kick off the trend of Disney's theatrically released movies heading straight to the streaming service once they've enjoyed their time in theaters. Obviously there will be many (if not all) of Disney movies from decades past that will also be available on the service, but on the streaming side of things, this is the only place you'll be able to find the Mouse House's theatrical offerings.

If you go on Netflix right now, you'll find Disney movies like Cars 3, Thor: Ragnarok and Star Wars: The Last Jedi, but their time there is wrapping up soon. In the Marvel corner, Black Panther and Avengers: Infinity War still haven't premiered on Netflix, but even if they, and Ant-Man and the Wasp when it arrives on home media, do get some Netflix time, it will only be weeks or months at most. Disney is preparing to shake up the streaming world in a major way, and along with original content like a live action Star Wars TV series and the Lady and the Tramp remake, including its latest theatrical movies will be a good way to entice subscribers. That's not to say that there aren't still issues, as Disney is reportedly trying to buy back the TV rights to the Star Wars movies from Turner, but at least where its future releases are concerned, Disney has that covered.

The Disney streaming service is set to launch sometime in fall 2019, so stay tuned to CinemaBlend for more updates on its progress. The 1990s-set Captain Marvel flies into theaters on March 8, 2019, and if you're interested in finding out what's coming out later this year, look through our 2018 release schedule.

Captain Marvel premieres on March 8th in theaters around the world, and it's likely that it'll bring in massive revenue for Disney. But once its theatrical run ends, you won't be able to
More than Marvel - here's what's coming to Disney's new

Why Captain Marvel Will Be The First Theatrical Movie On Disney's Streaming Service Movies August 8, 2018 No Comments Disney has a lot of bases covered when it comes to its movie offerings, from live action remakes/adaptations of its classic animated movies and Pixar offerings to installments from the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Star Wars
Why Captain Marvel Will Be The First Theatrical Movie On
Why Captain Marvel Will Be The First Theatrical Movie On Disney's Streaming Service August 7, 2018, 6:04 pm 15.9k Views Disney has a lot of bases covered when it comes to its movie offerings, from live action remakes/adaptations of its classic animated movies and Pixar offerings to installments from the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Star Wars
'Captain Marvel' is the first Disney film that won't hit

disney CEO Bob Iger in a recent investor meeting has confirmed that captain marvel will be the first of the mcu movies to not debut on Netflix after its theatrical run and, will in fact, premiere
'Captain Marvel' Will Be the First Disney+ Exclusive After

Captain Marvel will be the first of Disney's theatrical movies available on the studio's streaming service, and for a good reason. Subscribe To Why Captain Marvel Will Be The First Theatrical
Why Captain Marvel Will Be The First Theatrical Movie On

During the Walt Disney Company's quarterly earnings call, it was confirmed that Captain Marvel will be the studio's first release to stream exclusively on their Disney+ streaming service after its
Disney's streaming service won't have recent Star Wars and

Why Captain Marvel Will Be The First Theatrical Movie On

Everything We Know About Disney's New Streaming Service. Will Disney+ have Star Wars and Marvel movies on it? When the possibility of a Disney-specific streaming service was first announced

Captain Marvel will be exclusive to Disney+ when it's available to stream. It's the first film Disney won't make available to licensee partners like Netflix. According to a Disney investors
Captain Marvel Will Debut On Disney Streaming Service NOT

Disney's streaming service won't have many of the recent Star Wars and Marvel movies By Ashley Rodriguez August 8, 2018 Disney has always hitched its streaming-video star to its blockbuster
Everything We Know About Disney's New Streaming Service

More than Marvel - here's what's coming to Disney's new streaming service Disney + Disney has raised the curtain on a hotly anticipated video streaming service that is aiming to
Captain Marvel will be the first Disney+ exclusive film

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Check Out Aquamans Ocean Master And Vulko Riding Cool Underwater Creatures

Check Out Aquamans Ocean Master And Vulko Riding Cool Underwater Creatures

After years of waiting, Aquaman is finally heading to theaters in just a couple of months, and we're getting some cool looks at the ocean life we can expect to see in the latest DCEU blockbuster. The film has been teasing us with more shots of the action we'll be treated to and some of that might, apparently, include Vulko (Willem Dafoe) and King Orm (Patrick Wilson) riding some unlikely beasts. Take a look:

Of course, when I say unlikely, I only mean compared with what us land faring folks know about what types of animals can be used for reliable transport. Clearly, when it comes to getting from place to place in the ocean, we've been missing out.

Aquaman director James Wan posted this cool look at Vulko and Orm riding two very different animals throughout their underwater kingdoms. Vulko is on a hammerhead shark, while Orm is standing fiercely atop an animal I can admit to never hearing of before, a tylosaur.

While most of you will probably know what a hammerhead shark is, if you're not up on your prehistoric marine life, you'll be just as in the dark on the tylosaur as I was. More commonly known as tylosaurus, this animal was a predatory marine lizard that averaged 40 feet in length, which probably used its long snout to ram and stun its prey, and also for combat. So, you know, it was dangerous.

One of the coolest aspects of getting a look a these shots from Aquaman is seeing how these animals will be outfitted in the film. Not ones to be content with just throwing a saddle on a hammerhead shark or a tylosaur, each creature is clearly wearing some armor. With Vulko's hammerhead (Hammy? I think I'll call him Hammy.) being the most obviously outfitted in protective plating which covers almost its entire top half, and Orm's tylosaur (obviously named Ty) appearing to, at least, be wearing gear along its snout and upper back.

Vulko might appear totally calm in his photo, but considering how much armor Hammy is wearing, I'm going to guess he might be about to do battle, or at least be doing a training run so that he and Hammy are fully prepared for any upcoming conflicts. Orm, meanwhile, seems to be about ready to launch himself off of Ty, trident in hand, pissed and ready to engage whomever he believes has wronged him.

Part of what's finally been revealed about the plot of Aquaman is that Orm, who is Arthur Curry's half brother and has been ruling in his absence, will be eager to start a war with the surface world over the pollution of the oceans, while Arthur will be interested in trying to keep the peace and finding a non-combat solution. So, it makes complete sense that both images show battle ready beasts and a clearly angry Orm.

We'll all be able to feast our eager eyes on just how these scenes are used in Aquaman when the film opens on December 14.

New Aquaman images show off Willem Dafoe as Vulko. (also known as Ocean Master), Aquaman's villainous half-brother and the current ruler of Atlantis who has some dastardly plans brewing below

Check Out Aquaman's Ocean Master And Vulko Riding Cool

Aquaman director James Wan posted this cool look at Vulko and Orm riding two very different animals throughout their underwater kingdoms. Vulko is on a hammerhead shark, while Orm is standing fiercely atop an animal I can admit to never hearing of before, a tylosaur.
Check Out Aquaman's Ocean Master And Vulko Riding Cool’s-Ocean-Master-And-Vulko-Riding-Cool-Underwater-Creatures
Check Out Aquaman's Ocean Master And Vulko Riding Cool Underwater Creatures After years of waiting, Aquaman is finally heading to theaters in just a couple of months, and we're getting some cool looks at the ocean life we can expect to see in the latest DCEU blockbuster.
Hi Res Aquaman Images Of Orm & Vulko Released

Following yesterday's batch of official Aquaman stills, we have a first-look at some concept art from James Wan's DC Comics adventure, giving us a glimpse of Orm and Vulko riding seriously lethal
AQUAMAN's Classic Costume Revealed With Statue and Check Out

Aquaman star Patrick Wilson tweeted out an awesome image of his Ocean Master Christmas ornament. Aquaman hits U.S. theaters next week and promises to deliver a visually stunning adventure. This
Aquaman Post Credit Scene and Potential Villain Explained

AQUAMAN's Classic Costume Revealed With Statue and Check Out The Seahorses That Atlanteans Will Be Riding! Toy Photos Movie Aquaman about 10 months ago by Joey Paur It's been a big week for Aquaman and it's all leading up to the trailer for the film that will be released later this week at Comic-Con.
'Aquaman' Star Has An Ocean Master Christmas Ornament

Aquaman director James Wan posted this cool look at Vulko and Orm riding two very different animals throughout their underwater kingdoms. Vulko is on a hammerhead shark, while Orm is standing fiercely atop an animal I can admit to never hearing of before, a tylosaur.
Check Out Aquaman's Ocean Master And Vulko Riding Cool

Subscribe To Check Out Aquaman's Ocean Master And Vulko Riding Cool Underwater Creatures Updates Check Out Aquaman's Ocean Master And Vulko Riding Cool Underwater Creatures Adrienne Jones.
Check Out Aquaman's Ocean Master And Vulko Riding Cool

Similar to the film, Vulko was a mentor and advisor to Aquaman after failing to prove Orm killed Arthur's mother. In an effort to get Aquaman to claim his throne, he orchestrated the entire Atlantean war by hiring Black Manta to steal an Atlantean artefact and calling the Trench to attack both Aquaman and Ocean Master.
New Aquaman images show off Willem Dafoe as Vulko

Check out these new hi-res Aquaman images that feature Patrick Wilson's Orm and Willem Dafoe's Vulko atop some armor-clad sea creatures. dynamic designs for the underwater creatures and armor
AQUAMAN Concept Art Features Orm And Vulko Sitting Atop Giant

Was Jeff Goldblum Almost Cut From Jurassic Park?

Was Jeff Goldblum Almost Cut From Jurassic Park?

Upon looking back at the first Jurassic Park, Dr. Ian Malcolm's lovable zingers delivered by actor Jeff Goldblum are some of the most memorable lines in the '90s classic. However, while Jurassic Park was in development, his character was almost cut from the film, with legendary filmmaker Steven Spielberg originally cautioning Goldblum of the possible changes to the blockbuster hit. Although imagining a strange alternative reality where Goldblum's iconic shirtless scene (among other moments) never existed isn't something anyone should contemplate, the actor revealed his close call. In his words:

When I first met Steven Spielberg at Amblin, he came in and said, 'You know, there's a movement afoot, a new rewrite is happening, and your character, Ian Malcolm, is being written out. We probably wanna give these funny lines and kinda incorporate your character into the Sam Neill character.' I was just thrilled to be there and trusted that [Spielberg] would do something great.

Thankfully Steven Spielberg made the right decision and kept Dr. Ian Malcolm in, because Jurassic Park might not have been celebrated without the eccentric flavor Jeff Goldblum brought to the dinosaur film. In one of the special features accompanying the home release of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (via Game Spot) called "Fallen Kingdom: The Conversation," Jeff Goldblum explained this beside stars Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard, writer and executive producer Colin Trevorrow and director J.A. Bayona, and Howard's jaw literally dropped during his recount. Goldblum said he tried to make the case for the addition of Dr. Malcolm in Jurassic Park, but he doesn't think it made a difference to their final decision to keep him in the movie.

Dr. Ian Malcolm has always been a fan favorite in the Jurassic Park franchise, as he also appeared in Jurassic Park: The Lost World and. Thanks to his Fallen Kingdom appearance, he became only the second original character to appear in the new Jurassic World franchise, with B.D. Wong's Dr. Henry Wu bring the first. Dr. Malcolm only had a small role in Fallen Kingdom, disappointing some fans who might have been reeled in by his return, but it does open up potential for the character to make his way into Jurassic World 3 if there ends up being room in the script and if he agrees to do so.

The special feature also revealed that in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, Jeff Goldblum returned as Dr. Ian Malcolm in a small role meant to deliver dialogue that primarily came out of author Michael Crichton in the Jurassic Park book, to tie in the original message into the new franchise. As his character is so loved that a 25-foot statue of Dr. Malcolm was created in his honor in London, we'd love to see him have a larger role in the upcoming Jurassic World films. Fallen Kingdom is available on digital now and will be released on Blu-ray September 18.

Dave Bautista On Bane Fan Theories: 'I Accept' | News and

It's no secret Robert Downey Jr. made A LOT of money playing Iron Man. While it makes sense that someone so famous would be paid extremely well for a role that big, that wasn't always the case. In
Why Robert Downey Jr. Wasn't The Highest Paid Actor In Iron Man

Unused Avengers: Endgame Photo Gives Pepper And Tony An Epic

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When it comes to the company's live-action endeavors, however, many of those have aged quite a bit worse. Whether it's the age we live in that makes some older titles bizarre, or these movies were always a little weird, here are a handful of weird live-action Disney films time forgot and the House of Mouse has swept under the rug.
12 Weird Disney Live-Action Films That Time Forgot - MNNOFA NEWS

Home 2018 November 12 This Rotten Week: Predicting Fantastic Beasts 2, Instant Family, And Widows Reviews feel free to call us +646-389-3981 admin , November 12, 2018 November 12, 2018 , Entertainment , 0
Predicting Fantastic Beasts 2, Instant Family, And Widows

Chadwick Boseman talks about the importance of 'Black Panther' and presents his Golden Popcorn to real-life hero James Shaw Jr. while accepting the Best Hero at the 2018 MTV Movie & TV Awards.
Chadwick Boseman Gives His MTV Movie Award to Waffle House

Agent Coulson Was Originally Going To Have A Way Smaller Part In Iron Man, According To Clark Gregg 3 months ago Agent Phil Coulson will long be remembered as one of the most important lynchpins of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Agent Coulson Was Originally Going To Have A Way Smaller Part

We haven't heard anything about that in quite a long time, however, so it's possible that's no longer the plan. In fact, Pip doesn't appear to have a role in Avengers 3 and Avengers 4 at all, which makes sense. Unlike the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise, the Phase 3-ending Avengers movies will likely have a more dramatic tenor. A cigar
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"Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again" might not have nabbed the box office crown, but its domestic debut is still something to sing about. Universal's jukebox musical launched with a solid $76.4
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Crazy Rich Asians made a lot of Oscars snubs lists this year, especially thanks to getting nods and wins at awards shows including the Golden Globes and the SAG Awards. . Recently, Crazy Rich Asians actress Awkwafina spoke out about the movie not earning Oscar nods and her response was very grac
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Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Don't Expect The Avatar Movies To Ever Be Set On Another Planet

Don't Expect The Avatar Movies To Ever Be Set On Another Planet

After nearly a decade it looks like the Avatar sequels that James Cameron promised may finally actually be happening, but while we don't know exactly what they'll bring, we know one thing they won't. If you were hoping that a future Avatar movie might give a glimpse of some other part of the galaxy, it doesn't appear that's going to happen. Jon Landau, the producer of the Avatar franchise alongside Cameron, says that there's no need for the story to go any place other than Pandora because anything the story requires can be provided by the planet. According to Landau...

As we've moved on with the sequels to Avatar, we made a very conscious decision to stage the whole four sequels on Pandora. We don't need to go to another world if we want water, we're going to go to the oceans of Pandora. Just like you see in Flight of Passage. Also, some of those creatures that you see (on Flight of Passage), don't be surprised if they show up in the films.

Jon Landau spoke to Inside the Magic at an event regarding Disney's Animal Kingdom's newest land, Pandora - World of Avatar, which recreates the world of the Avatar film, including a pair of major attractions. The Flight of Passage ride is a combination of 3D film and motion simulator ride that puts you on the back of a banshee, but it seems also reveals some potential new creatures that will be seen in future Avatar films.

It's common in the science fiction films to see alien worlds that only have one sort of environment. However, Pandora will be much more like our own planet as it will contain different sorts of environments and different sorts of people that live in those environments. According to Landau, the first movie gave us a very small taste of Pandora as a whole.

We're going to go to totally different environments, we're going to meet different cultures. Just like our planet is as diverse culturally as we are environmentally. We want to introduce people to different cultures. In the first movie, we only met the Omaticaya clan, and they are the clan here allowing us to come to the Valley of Mo'ara. But as we venture out we're going to different environments and different clans.

Currently, production work is being done on the next two Avatar films simultaneously, although we don't know much beyond the fact that Avatar 2 will largely focus on the waters of Pandora, and the specific clan that resides there. It seems quite likely that each successive sequel, there are four currently planned, will introduce a new part of Pandora and a new culture that calls it home.

The next Avatar film is scheduled for release in December of 2020 so we still have quite some time before we'll see any more of Avatar.

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In a rare moment of frustration, filmmaker Alfonso Cuarón rose to Netflix's defense at the 76th annual Golden Globes.. Following his best director win for "Roma," Cuarón challenged a journalist's question backstage about the independent sector's concerns over "Roma's" success this awards season — which had a combined release between Netflix and theaters, rather than the
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Keira Knightley reveals why she wore that massive baker boy hat in Love Actually . As she was only 17 years old at the time, the now-Hollywood actress was I had a massive spot in So they went in and they tried to cover it and they tried to light it but there was nothing they could do so the hat went on.
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